By the way, 200 sq. ft. ¼” thick can fit in the back seat of your Camry. You’ll need two strong people to assist you to unload. We’ll help you load the flooring into your car. For added leverage we suggest placing a strong towel on the back seat, and then place the rubber flooring rolls on the towel so one can pull the roll out by the towel. A 50 ft. x 4 ft. roll measures 4ft. wide x 18” diameter and weighs approximately 340 lbs.
Shipping rubber flooring rolls to San Diego, California cost approximately $150, FYI.
13. We have a Toyota Tacoma pick-up truck and would like to will call the flooring at your store in Palmdale, CA which is 2-1/2” hours from San Diego, CA. How many square feet can I fit in my truck?
Check the driver’s side door-jam label for maximum load capacity information. The capacity is approximately 1325 lbs. @ 1.7 lbs. per sq. ft. for the ¼” rolls. A Tacoma can load approximately 780 sq. ft. or approximately (240) 2 x 2 x 8mm thick interlocking rubber tiles which equals approximately 800 sq. ft.
A Camry has a load capacity of approximately 900 lbs. or approximately 400 sq. ft. of ¼” thick rolls or (73) 2 x 2 x 8mm tiles (244 sq. ft. )
14. I just need a small rubber mat for under my bench press. What size do you suggest?
The 4 x 10 x 1/4" thick rubber rolls will meet your needs. The small home use rubber mats come in solid black or 10% color fleck.
15. We are looking for a sport floor that we can use in aerobics center and weight room. The typical weight room floor is too hard for aerobic training and those foam puzzle mats are too soft for a weight room area. The question is, do you have a floor that can be used for both applications?
Yes, we do! Our 1/2" thick aerobic rubber flooring weighs only 2.3 lbs. per sq. ft. The transitional rubber sport floor for weight rooms, etc. weighs 3.4 lbs. per sq. ft. The point is that the aerobic floor is less dense, consequently provide superior anti-fatigue properties but just dense enough for a light-weight room area.
16. We like the color stone quarry. It's 90% gray with 10% black. It would look great on our concrete deck and would match the stone walls. We want about 350 sq. ft. Does this have to be purchase in 1400 square increments?
No, it does not have to be purchased in increments. This also applies to colors wheat fields and grass green. However, minimum order is 120 sq. ft. Keep in mind that using rubber flooring on an out door deck will work just fine.
17. CWF states the rubber sport floors are made of hard rubber? Can we use this for boxing and as a aerobic floor like jump rope and exercises?
Yes, however it's a bit firm for these non-weight lifting activities. Perhaps our less dense dance aerobics flooring will suffice. This flooring can be used for weight rooms also.
18. We are undecided whether to purchase the 1/4" or 3/8" thick. We are using this for a home gym with dumbbells, bench press and a tread mill. Which thickness is recommended?
The 3/8" will last longer and reduce the noise associated with weight training and provide better anti-fatigue properties. If your on a serious budget then the 1/4" will suffice. An average 20ft. x 20ft. (400 sq. ft.) two car garage would cost approximately $548 for the 1/4" , 3/8" $728, only a $180 difference.
19. My family and I own an apartment building in San Francisco, California that caters to senior citizens. The kitchen is communal. The kitchen floors get slippery after each use and create a slipping hazard. The question is; can we use the rubber flooring rolls for a kitchen?
Yes, however the daily spilling of oil and grease will still create a slipping hazard. Water spillage on the rubber floors or mats will have a more secure footing than water spilled on vinyl tiles, laminate wood floors or concrete. The other issue is that of design and color; solid black rubber is the least expensive. If you desire a kitchen floor with less black and a high percentage of color, then it can be expensive. We recommend the perforated commercial kitchen mats for commercial kitchen areas.
20. The undersigned is a department Chair at a community college in Dallas, Texas. We would like to use the rubber rolls for a bulletin board. Can we use the rubber for bulletin boards?
Absolutely yes! We produce a less dense black rubber that can be used as a bulletin board. The advantage over cork –Vs- rubber bulletin boards is that thumbtacks stick into the rubber bulletin board more securely / less likely to fall out. From an aesthetic point of view, if a solid black rubber bulletin board will meet your school or business design requirements, then a rubber bulletin board is an appropriate option.
21. My husband and I purchased an outdoor playground set with a swing, monkey bars, slides and a mini-gymnastic ring set, etc. for our kids. I am concerned my kids will fall and get hurt. Will your ½” thick rubber mats help prevent injury?
No. No such rubber surface can prevent injury. Our rubber sport surface is not recommended for a play ground surface. There’s strict fall rating for playground surfaces.
22. We run a fitness center and need to upgrade the weight room flooring with something with a little more color than just black. Any suggestions?
We have 16 color options, which can be ordered in standard percentages of 10% or 20% fleck on black. Not all rubber floor colors options are stocked in the Los Angeles area store. Call a sales representative to discuss your rubber flooring needs: 1-(661-273-8700) Beyond that, we have our Designer Series, which allows you to mix and match up to 3 different colors in different percentages up to 90% color fleck. (Minimum order and order increments will apply for the designer series)
23. Can you recommend a private girls gym in the Los Angeles area?
There's a intimate community gym called Cats Club Fitness in Sherman Oaks, CA which provide clients personalized fitness training for all levels.
24. We live in Lexington, SC and are looking for a humble local gym for men and woman that also has yoga classes.
The Flex Body gym in Lexington, SC has a quality fitness and yoga program.
25. Our school needs a rubber instant runway for track and field. Can we use the weight room flooring for this application?
We recommend the 1/2" thick instant runway for track and field This rubber roll is less dense and will provide superior anti-fatigue properties.
26. Do you have maintenance instructions on the weight room flooring?
How to Cleaning Rubber Floors (PDF) This is not laborious nor do you need to hire a professional.
27. We want a rubber like mat that is perforated so water can drain. Do you have such a mat?
CWF Flooring Group of Companies sells a perforated drainage mat for commercial kitchens.
28. We rent a warehouse in palmdale, CA and would like to use rubber flooring rolls for part of the warehouse. Please advise?
Yes, this can be used as warehouse flooring. This will provide anti-slip features and some anti-fatigue features as well.
Call us first to discuss the details.
29. Our gym is a mobile fitness studio. Portability is the priority. Would the rubber sport rolls or rubber interlocking tiles be better?
The interlocking rubber tiles are more portable and easily transported in a car or truck. The rubber gym tiles are 2ft. x 2ft. Two stacks of tiles can fit in the back seat of a standard car.
30. What's the benefits of the interlocking rubber tiles vs rubber sport rolls?
The rubber interlocking tiles are easier to install, adhesive is not necessary to install them, can be re-configured, are more replaceable and portable. However, rubber tiles are more expensive ($2.47 vs. $2.25 per sq. ft.)