Our Roll able Cheer Floors are manufactured in 6ft. wide rolls with
polyethylene closed-cell, cross-linked, polyethylene foam, thereby markedly
increasing response, shock absorption, and resiliency. In addition,
tests have shown our cross-linked design exhibits superior longevity
under test variables that include repeated bending and compression.
While other polyethylene foams may look or feel similar, our dynamic
chemical composition and advanced design elements combine to create
a product whose safety and durability is unmatched.
Our needle punch commercial grade carpet exhibits quality-enhancing characteristics that once again separate us from the competition. Its durability and non-slip traction is a direct result of the 26 oz. material we have chosen. Not only is it the strongest used in the industry, but also its softness has a feel of velour. Its polyolefin fibers (pile, nap) will not become stringy and cannot be pulled out by Velcro, a problem common to "bargain" mats. Similar products may look the same, but don't become enamored by 10-14 oz. imitations - their lighter weight simply does not provide the quality, safety and performance your program participants will appreciate for many years to come.
Our foam is not affixed to its carpet by mere adhesion, as are many low-quality rolls. Rather, the carpet is directly bonded to the foam during the foam's manufacturing stage when its liquefaction is complete and its cooling stage is initiated. This allows the foam and carpet substrates to actually become one – a seamless, ingenious solution. Cheer leading Mat Info Sheet